We're getting a bit of fall weather lately which I LOVE. It could be autumn all year for me. It's my favorite clothing season (sweaters, comfies), I love the changing colors, baking with apples, decorating the house, the holidays, scented candles, hot cider, hitting the craft shows, making soups and baking....
The flu has hit the Lovestrand households big time the past two weeks. Paul ended his vacation by coming home with the flu, then Lucy had it for a quick spell, then Troy had it over the weekend, and now I'm afraid it's hitting me. Thankfully Lucy has been accomodating to her mom laying around today!
Last weekend was the long holiday weekend. We had a couple bonfires out back while enjoying Troy's favorite pumpkin bars. On Saturday Troy and Vicky painted our old office (used to be a dark red) to a neutral beige. If the house doesn't sell soon that will become Lucy's little girl room. We spent the rest of the day trimming up all the bushes around the house, maintaining our reputation as the only house for sale in Baldwin that actually keeps itself maintained! I think it's time to bury St. Joseph in the yard.
Saturday night Troy woke up with the flu, enough said. We were supposed to be worship assistants at church so Lucy and I headed out without him. Good thing we showed up as the other assistants didn't! We gathered volunteers and everything went well and Lucy had lots of babysitters in the back row! Sunday afternoon we headed to West St. Paul to my uncle Wes and aunt Darla's home for a Labor Day Weekend picnic. It was a great afternoon gathering in their shaded backyard with tons of good food and the entertainment of the two little girls (Lucy and her 11-mo-old cousin Kieryn).
On Monday Troy was feeling well enough to head to Chippewa Falls for Fantasy Football League sign up. Lucy and I and Vicky headed to Stillwater for a little shopping. We got some cute fall decorations and had ice cream before heading home. And Tuesday it was back to the 'ol grindstone!
This upcoming weekend we are headed down to Cedar Valley Resort in Lanesboro, MN to a very large cabin with all of the Hill families. The weather sounds like it will be perfect and I'm anxious to check out this little town!
Last but not least, the picture above will most likely be recognized in March 2009!