I am so bad at posting to this blog, but I imagine things will pick up again when there's another face to be photographed around here.

This is Christmas Bread aka Bohemian Twist. I grew up with my grandma (full-blooded Czech) making this for the holidays every year. It's a beautiful-looking bread, great to eat with butter or toasted, sliced very thinly. I have been wanting the recipes of the "memories" I have of grandma in the kitchen, this being one of them, and my aunt provided the translated version of this very old recipe. I ended up finally attempting a loaf AFTER Christmas and it turned out pretty good for a first timer. I don't think it rose/rised? nearly enough but I have never cooked with yeast before (egads!) Lucy DID love it though and I think I'll try to make it a yearly tradition.
Here are photos of Lucy with Hope H. from church at the beginning of Chinese New Year:

Daycare commented that Lucy loves to give hugs when she goes bye bye, but I figured every kid did?
Here is a photo of Lucy and daddy sledding (or as she calls it the "sleigh") a couple weekends ago when it didn't dip below zero:

And here is Lucy relaxing on our bed before we headed out to The Giggle Factory in Hudson this past weekend:

Wasn't this weekend's weather wonderful? If only spring would stay now, but I know a couple more months of ishy weather are on it's way.

On Saturday we met up with grandma and grandpa Hill and cousin Jamie at the Giggle Factory (an indoor play yard for kids) in Hudson. The girls didn't know what to think of it. There were lots of older kids running around and pushing them out of the way and they didn't really care for that. Now adults CAN go up there to assist the kids, but imagine this one who is as big around as she is tall trying to weave her way up ladders and thru chutes. Interesting, NOT! But there is a toddler play area on the floor with squishy items that the girls did enjoy.
After that we had a toddler lunch at the golden arches in Hudson. Let me just say that the one in Baldwin MUCH nicer! There were no high chairs to be found in Hudson, the two they had were in use, plus I think the staff at the Baldwin McD's is just a lot friendlier!
Saturday night Uncle Eric babysat while we went to my cousin Jeff's 30th birthday party at the Green Mill in Woodbury. That was a lot of good clean fun and yummy pizza
This weekend, Troy went up to our storage area and retrieved all of our home decor stuff we had put in storage when the house was on the market. Uncle Eric made our house a home again by putting all of our decor back out, pictures hung on the walls, all that good stuff. Troy is enjoying his "new" man basement.
And here we are at another week. Today Lucy will be going to the doctor with me for my belated 32-week appointment. At this point I'm going every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks, then every week after that. Lots of appointments to be made today!