Friday, March 27, 2009

Recent Updates

I finally downloaded the few pictures we took at our recent visit to the Children's Museum a couple weekends ago (my camera died before we even got started!) It was myself, Troy, Lucy and Uncle Eric at a very busy museum that Lucy thoroughly enjoyed hopping from one activity to another. Quite the spendy entertainment though when you're barely there an hour!
After a couple hours at the museum we headed to Cossetta's for a fabulous pizza lunch that we all loved. We figured we'd do one "last" outing with Lucy before the baby comes, but looks like we could have many more "last" outings because the baby is staying put!
I just want him to come out on his own (and soon) is that so wrong? I am now two days overdue. Whoopee, right? I hear stories of people going two weeks overdue, which bums me out because we have Easter plans and I was hoping to bring a baby to pass instead of a dish to pass.
Yesterday Troy accompanied me to the clinic for an NST (Non Stress Test). They hook monitors up to my uterus and the baby's heartbeat (EXTERNALLY, mind you) and then I get a little clicker to click whenever I feel baby movement or a contraction. A 20-minute procedure ended up being over an hour long (it's just the way things have been going) and that was that. Had an exam, no changes (still dilated to a 3 but cervix is completely soft and ready for delivery), so we talked about induction. So I am on the schedule to be induced this coming Monday, pending anyone coming in with an un-induced delivery (they can only do up to 3 inductions and the other 2 ahead of me are necessary, health reasons, inductions), so I might get the boot, I'll know when I call Monday morning.
Obviously I would just love to go into labor anytime between now and Monday morning on my own, that would be wonderful.
We are all set for baby here at home and have been enjoying our one-on-one time with Lucy. She is such a funny little girl, loves to laugh at herself, and is full of conversation and sentences now. She jumped from simple phrases to sentences overnight it seems. Every day I'm amused by her. And she loves to dance! Anything that carries a tune, whether it's a toy or the radio, she finds the beat.
Next on the agenda is potty training. We've taken a step back when we moved into our big girl bed, no longer does she run to go sit on the potty first thing in the morning. But she recognizes the urge more lately and tells us in her own way. Not that she wants to get on the potty though. I wish the potty training thing was just a natural for kids and happened overnight, like getting a molar. Ha! It will happen though...
So, stay tuned, I think/hope that this will be my last post without pictures of a new baby in them.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Where's the baby?

Still in my uterus!

To answer the questions I get multiple times a day:

When are you due? March 25th or 26th (26th according to calendars, 25th according to ultrasound)

How are you feeling? "fat", "grumpy", "fine! Thanks for asking!"

Do you know what you're having? A baby

Are you craving anything? Yes, baby out of my pelvis.

What does your doctor say? "we won't let you go over your due date" (because the kid is already so huge you won't be able to get it out)

Are you sleeping ok? yes, if you count the two hours of sleep I get between 3 and 5 am.

I did have one dream about the baby a couple weeks ago - the hospital was so busy I had to stay in a room down in med/surg and the baby had to stay in the nursery (because of the ankle bracelet alarm), Troy had to stay home with Lucy while I delivered because we couldn't find a sitter, and I delivered a girl and had to call him to find out a name (since we have no girl names picked out!).

I'm still awaiting the dream where I lose all my baby weight in a month and it sleeps through the night from the get-go.

I think once I go into labor it will just be a huge sigh of relief knowing I won't have to go into work. That is such a huge stressor in my life, really taking away from the joy of having a baby unfortunately.

Lucy and I have been enjoying lots of "sweet" time lately. Besides our every-other-night bubble bath time, in the previous post, she has these moments of loving her mommy. Last night we went to dinner with my mom and sister and Lucy sat next to me and kept leaning her head on me and being all "lovey". It's hard for me to imagine my heart getting any bigger for another child. Stay tuned...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Abby after frolicking in Thursday's winter storm:

Just a quick post for tonight. On Saturday we headed with Papa and Nana to the AmericInn hotel in town for use of their swimming pool (I took pictures and read). Lucy loves the water!

And then finally a belly shot. We have to have something to put in Baby Lovestrand's baby book. With Lucy we took them practically every month so I'm feeling a bit bad... 3 1/2 weeks to go!