Monday, June 29, 2009

Frogs and Pedicures

Nana and Lucy caught her first little frog over in the neighbor's pond last week. "It tickles!" Lucy said.

Showing some sisterly love this weekend:
Like father like son:

Mommy and Lucy doing mani/pedis on the porch:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the Cabin

Something's hokey with blogger today, so these pictures are out of order...

On Sunday, Lucy helped daddy wash all the mud off the truck. She really got into it!

Lucy and Jamie with Grandpa at the cabin:

Last week we spent the week up at the cabin with family. Lots of fishing, card playing, good eating, trip to Nisswa, garage saling, a book was read, some cross-stitching accomplished, celebrated a few birthdays and an anniversary. Lots of fun!

Max and Lucy chillin' with daddy:

Max hanging out with Uncle Duffy:

What IS this? My daughter is addicted to the ribbon on her "woobie" and likes to stick it in the corner of her eye. HUH? Yes. It's her comfort item and when she has it, she sticks it in her eye. hmmm....

Lucy and Cousin Jamie loved playing on the slide:

THESE were everywhere:

She loves ladder golf!

Abby waiting to go fishing:
I'm too cool:
Nightly bathtime routine:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Max's 2-month Check-up

Weight: 11 lbs. 5.5 oz (daddy guessed 12 lbs, mommy guessed 13 lbs!) -50th percentile
Height: 23 1/4" - 55th percentile
Head Circumference: 40 1/2 (I'm hoping that's cm not inches) - 60th percentile

1 oral vaccination and 3 shots (5 vaccines) and he actually did pretty well, a little screaching after the shots for like 30 seconds and then settled down. He is down for a looong nap now.

Lucy is at daycare today and I am packing for the cabin. We should really rent a U-Haul. I'm trying to pack only the necessities. We need an entire suitcase just for diapers. I wish this would give Lucy some incentive to potty train but she's not the one doing the packing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Who's a Big Boy?

Gosh, time is flying way too fast. Max's two-month birthday came and went, but not without the traditional "infant with sheep" photos! We've been staying busy doing who knows what but it's enough to make the days blur together. Next week we'll be up at the cabin with family from both sides for a whole week! And less than 3 weeks from now it's back to work for me :(

And here is Lucy at 2 months:

What's new with the kids?

Lucy is too smart for underpants. Yep, no potty training going on here. We figure with her vocabulary she'll let us know when she's ready! And speaking of vocabulary, she's full of sentences. And she's very dramatic (but what woman isn't?). And she has an attitude. This must be the "terrible twos".

Max loves to eat and smile. I love that smile. He's a good baby who hates riding in the car, so unless he's sleeping, bring your earplugs. And he could stay latched on to me and eat and nap all day if he could, but I'm not one of those women in National Geographic so his food gets put away to his disgruntlement. I hope the transition to bottle feeding at daycare will go ok, he has taken a few here and there, but I will continue to nurse him as long as it works for him (and me!). He is finally sleeping in his crib (at night. During the day he's still in the car seat or the swing or me.) He has a good stretch at night from about 9pm to 3am which is great, but he doesn't really like going back to bed after that so he's up for good around 5am. I'm used to it though, but with the amount he does eat during the day I think he could push himself farther from that 3am feeding so I could get a full night's sleep, especially with work coming up. But I can't complain! We have our 2-month checkup this Friday so I'll post his stats then. (I'm guessing he's 12 1/2 pounds and 23" long)