Lucy keeps asking if we're going today, like it's a car trip to the Mall of America. Her biggest news these days is she's potty trained. Well, to her mother's standards (still in a pull-up at night, and we do frequently remind her to take a break). Now that we're in "unders", she will proceed to take off her pants whenever and run around the house "free". I missed this, but when Troy brought her home from daycare the other day, she took off her pants and socks and said she was "exercising". Hey, whatever works!
Max's new favorite snack is Club House Crackers. I think the Easter bunny might put them in his basket. He will shove an entire one in his mouth and immediately grab another. It's like m & m's for the rest of us. Lucy's new favorite snack is Pretty Much Everything or Anything I'm Eating.
With the wonderful weather lately we've been taking lots of walks. Here are some photos from at the park yesterday.

Happy Birthdays and Easter Everyone!