Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween Costume Party

This year the Kuhn-Clark household hosted thier first, hopefully annual, Halloween Costume Party.  The invitations specified the party started at 7:30, so what do us townies do?  Throw a chivalry and arrive at 7 instead!  I had never heard of a chivalry before, and when it was described to me (when a couple get married you show up at their house banging pots and pans) it made no sense whatsoever, but when in Baldwin...

We stealthily drove up to their house and gathered (there were about 9 of us involved) and then ran around with various noisy items and were met by a confused Kathleen on the deck.

A photo of the Wicked Witch and Scarecrow with their host gift:

Part of the chivalry team, 2 nuns, a priest and a monk:
 Tourists from the front:
 Tourists from the back:
 Eric, also known as Captain Stubing:
 Traci and Toby, a bathtub and a potty:

It was a fun event that involved great food, some shots with friends, and topped the night off with American Idol-version karoke. 

More Typography

This was my first attempt at a typography painting, given as a hostess gift for a costume party we attended this year.  Not too shabby!

An autumn-inspired typography board currently hanging in our kitchen.
I've got 2 more in the works, one for my studio and one as a gift.  I love that each one is different and personal.

Table Runner - Part Two

This will be short and sweet as all the photos I took have been "accidentally" deleted off our camera.  The recipient did enjoy her present though!