Happy Monday, Everyone! That's right, I have no new pictures to post here. I do know that people did take pictures of Lucy last week, so if Auntie Darla or Grandpa Paul want to send any this way, I will post them! Last week we were living over at Paul and Vicky's while our hardwood flooring was being installed so things were a bit unorganized for us for a while. We have one more overnight stay and then the flooring will be finished, yay!
Let's see, a recap since the last post. Lucy went to a new daycare last Wednesday, a friend in Eagan right by where I work, Dawn, who also watches 16-month-old twins and has 4 children of her own! Lucy was just in awe of all the other small people around her and had a blast. I honestly have never seen a smile so big on her face as when these little people would come up to her and touch her! Afterwards we went to Grandma Duffy's for a visit with grandma, aunti Shannon, and aunti Darla and uncle Wes.
Thursday early morning, Troy, Vicky and Paul left for Lake Benton and Lucy and I stayed behind. On Saturday we went up to Albertville Outlets shopping with my mom in the morning, then continued north to Sauk Centre for my great Aunt Sarah's 60th birthday party. A lot of relatives that Lucy hadn't met yet were there. Of course I forgot the camera! Lucy hung out with Uncle Richard (my mom's brother) almost the entire time. We got back to Baldwin at night and daddy was home to greet us!
Yesterday was major kitchen cleaning from all the dust that had gathered in/on/around our cabinets and anything that was in/on/around the cabinets from the floor installation. Eric and Paul helped Troy bring our appliances back in to the kitchen and now we can cook again. I will admit, it was kind of nice to be eating at Chef Paul's last week!
Today Lucy and Nana went for a playdate over to Hope Heutmaker's grandparents' home. There's something about child interaction that we as adults just cannot provide! I have been showing Lucy baby ASL signs all along hoping one day I'll see it returned ("mama" in particular), but maybe she'll also pick some signs up from Hope?
We are looking forward to Lucy's 1st Halloween this week. I will upload some pictures of that for sure. And then it will be November and our calendar is filled with hunting, showers, The Lion King, and holidays! Normally an early bird shopper, I haven't started Christmas shopping yet!
Until next time....
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