ooh, risque title there, eh? Saw the new Sex and the City movie last night. Loved the series, loved the movie.
Last weekend we had date night and went to Vino in the Valley with friends, which was awesome. The location is perfect and it's a beautiful drive down there. There was a bit of a wait for a table so we sipped wine (and beer) while listening to some folk singers. We had a fabulous meal, a little rain, and then a power outage, so we finished our dessert in the dark by candle light (is that planned romance?). I would highly recommend this place for a nice casual dinner night with friends.
Lucy was sick earlier this week. She woke up with a little fever on Sunday and we assumed it was a part of the never-ending teething symptoms, but Monday morning she got sick all over mom so I made an appointment for her. Just a virus that needed to pass and she's feeling better but I can tell the teeth are still really bothering her (they haven't erupted yet, come on with it!) but she loooooves to chew on ice chips for relief.
For my birthday last week I got the fabulous Cricut machine I've been ogling for some time now, courtesy of Troy and Lucy, and a little digital camera from my parents (as a couple, Troy and I have a big Canon camera, zoom lens, the works). I had wanted a small camera I could put in my purse to take shots of Lucy or whatever when we're out and about. The pictures above are from that camera. Troy and Lucy were lounging in the craft room while I was sewing last weekend.
I also decided that in addition to blogging about Lucy I would start taking pictures and posting the crafts I work on. I am hooked on a couple other blogs of people I don't know, but simply because I love their crafting styles they blog about. So stay tuned for photos on those! The current project is beanbag chairs....will I figure out the zipper?
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