It's been a long time since the last post, mainly because of the basement "destruction" and everything has been sitting in the garage for the past 6 weeks. (For those who don't know, our sump pump failed after a heavy storm one morning and we had about 6" of water through our entire basement.) We had lots of help getting things moved out, the new carpeting got put in this week and our wonderful brother/uncle Eric came yesterday to put the home back together again.
Trying to take pictures of wet white carpeting doesn't really show much. The photo below is of our "old" leather couch and how high up the water went (you can see the stain).

So what else has been going on? Max got his 2 bottom teeth for his 5-month birthday. He has become an eating pro over the past week. If only all that eating meant more sleep for mom and dad :)

I had a weekend up north with girlfriends last weekend where I spent a lot of time making candles (they are selling very well!). Cousin Josh and Christy came to hang out with the weens, Stella and Izzy (Lucy loves the weiner dogs!):

Lucy loves her little brother. Last night after going on the potty (yes, we're still "training". Maybe she's training us?) she had to run and tell Max "Max! I went potty!"

Coming up - Max will be 6 months this week, it's our 4-year anniversary, (great) grandma Fearing is coming to live with us for the winter, Lucy will turn 2 1/2, the annual Women of Faith conference (for Lisa) and a whole season of hunting is upon us!
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