On Saturday, Lisa and Lucy went with friend Kellie and her son, Matt Jones, out to Minnetonka on a cross-stitch hunt. I decided to try out the baby sling (www.sproutpouch.com) that I had gotten when Lucy was in her colicky stage. She didn't enjoy it back then, but when we went shopping, she loved being on mom's hip and seeing everything up close! Here is a shot of Lucy in the sling:
After a nice lunch (oh, who am I kidding? we scarfed down our food as one child took a nap and the other threw a fit -- soon to be reversed on the drive home as the opposite child napped while the other threw a fit :) ) and a stop at The Minnetonka General Store, we headed home.
In the evening, uncle Eric and Cousin Heather came over and we all headed to Troy's friend Johnny's surprise 30th birthday party, just outside of town. There was lots of food and drink there and even a couple bands played. We got to chat with another couple who brought along their daughter who was Lucy's age, so it was fun to compare stories (although I admit I was a bit jealous that their's has slept 12 hours a night for the past 3 months...). Lucy and I headed home when she announced it was bath time. Uncle and Cousin spent the night.
On Sunday we all went to 10:30 service and our fellow parishioner and youth minister, Melody, gave us this wonderful baby gift that is pictured below - a huge hooded towel for bath time! After lunch, Heather and Eric left, Troy retired to watch the Vikings game and Lucy and I took a nice Sunday nap!
And now it's Monday, and this morning brought very tragic news - Lisa's aunt Donna's brother, Mike, was killed in a motorcycle accident in Hudson last night - http://www.hudsonstarobserver.com/articles/index.cfm?id=25905§ion=News
Very sad for their family, and reaffirms to all of us that life is short and precious and to hold each other close while we can and not "sweat the small stuff".
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