Monday, September 10, 2007


Troy is off at his first night of bowling league for the season. He is swapping every other Monday with another teammate so he won't be bowling for the whole 40 weeks (it's some insane amount like that!) Lucy is fast asleep so I thought I would upload photos we took in her new outfit from Great-Grandma Blanche!


We also had some pictures of Lucy's after-bath massage time. I learned some infant masssage techniques at Baby and Me class last week. However, this being the internet, I decided not to post any cute nudie pictures of my baby. My baby who will be 5 months old tomorrow! Is that nuts? She just gets funner and funner every step of the way. She thinks that dad and I are the silliest people in her whole world - you honestly cannot have a bad day if you get at least five minutes of Lucy time in it.

That little white spot on her gums is getting bigger so I'm thinking it is a tooth, plus she loves to just rub her tongue on it. And drool. And chew on everything.

I also thought I would post some links here that keep me up-to-date on some important times going on in my relatives lives: - this is my great Uncle Mark (yes, he's great!) who is being treated for multiple myeloma and currently "living" down in Rochester at the Gift of Life house. Not only do I love to get updates on what's going on, but I love reading the comments people post in his guestbook - he's got some hilarious friends! and her brother - these are my cousin Shannon's two out of three children - what a tough year it has been for them, but the sun is shining brightly on them now!

Now that fall (weather) is here, it puts me in the mood to craft and shop at boutiques and art fairs. This week a girlfriend of mine is coming to visit and we'll hit the "Market" in Baldwin and then on the weekend it's out to Marine on St. Croix for the Marine Art Fair! What I love about going to art fairs is buying a wood-carved Santa. I try to get a different one every year.

Anyhoo, time for some quiet time and Sudoku before bed!

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