(This was meant to be sent on Sunday, December 21st after attempting to retrieve lost Christmas photos...)
After about a foot of snow had fallen, this weekend started our holiday gatherings with Saturday evening with Troy's parents and brother Eric at their home. We had a lovely halibut dinner and I made dessert as is tradition. Then the present opening began and Lucy (and everyone!) made off with quite a haul! Lots of gifts were had, her favorite three so far being her tricycle, V Tech laptop computer, and froggy tent. Our child is all of 20 months old and maturing way too fast! She knew what to do with the tricycle and the computer (she was actually clicking on the mouse!) Either that or mom and dad spend way too much time on the computer when she is around!
Lucy in the froggy tent from Uncle Eric:

Today my parents, sister and neice came over for lunch and games and more gift opening. I got the girls matching pajamas and even though it was early in the day, gave them baths and got them all dressed for gift opening. Again, Lucy made off (as did we - a Nintendo Wii!) with a haul, including a travel DVD player (yes...for that long trip to Lake Benton this week) and about a thousand plastic/paper food items for her kitchen. Troy set up her new froggy tent from Uncle Eric and she had a field day in there just laughing it up.
Cowgirl Lucy, she loves this hat:

Jamie shows Lucy how to use the mouse on her new computer a la Uncle Eric:

Lucy made mom wear the cowboy hat while opening presents:

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