I am bummed I have no pictures to post here. Something fried our memory card in the camera. Hopefully I can get some from Papa Paul of the festivities from the holidays.
Christmas Eve was the usual hustle and bustle. Every year we've always attended two sides of the family's get-togethers, but we're thinking this may have to become an every-other-year thing when there are toddlers involved.
We started the afternoon out by going to the Hill side (Lisa's step-dad's family) in Roseville, MN for food, photos, presents and family. Not letting the food digest, and before Lucy could fall asleep, we hopped in the car and headed to Lake Elmo to the Duffy side (Lisa's dad's family) for more food, photos and presents. Lots of good eating was had, that's for sure, as Grandma Duffy had prepared my favorite-since-birth recipe of salmon spread. We could only stay a short while as Lucy started to have a meltdown being way past bedtime and overstimulated with all the Christmas to-do. In our haste, I forgot my purse and didn't discover that til we were home. No worries, we would be heading back in the morning!
Christmas morning we got up and we opened gifts as a family (Troy, Lucy and I, that is), packed the truck to the gills, and headed on our journey to Lake Benton, MN. After a quick stop at my cousin's for my purse, we were off and by 2:00 had reached Duff and Pam's house (Troy's aunt and uncle, Vicky's brother). We visited before getting ready to head over to Grandma Glady's for Christmas dinner. As we had secretly suspected, Cousin Heather and Andrew got engaged the day before and came sharing the news. After a big dinner, Troy took Lucy up for a bath where the great poop escape of 2008 occurred. I was crying of laughter, what can you do? Shortly thereafter while helping with dishes, I was summoned to the entryway where Troy had fallen down the stairs on his ribs and was immobile. As is customary, everyone stood around looking at the fallen and offering medical advice. Vicodin and beer was the answer. Troy slept on the couch for our stay.
On Friday we headed over to Ivanhoe, about a 20 minute drive from Lake Benton, to Troy's aunt Donna (Paul's sister) for Christmas Brunch. After a huge meal, we visited and opened gifts. Troy and I headed back to Duff's, where everyone napped. In the evening, the entire Trautman clan, now including Cousin Josh, who surprised everyone by driving from Madison in to be with the family, came to Duff and Pam's for appetizers, games, and lots of laughing.
Saturday morning we packed up and said our farewells. After arriving home and unpacking we got ready to head back to Maplewood to my parents for Jamie's first birthday. The girls enjoyed the frosting on their cupcakes way too much!
Today, Sunday, Troy headed with Mark up to the cabin for ice fishing for a couple days. Meanwhile, Lucy and I stayed in our jammies today and Lucy played while I spring cleaned the kitchen. It looks and smells fabulous, but I'm beat! Tomorrow begins another full work week for me, being on call. Troy is off for the week and his projects include installing a new garage door opener and possibly putting in a closet system for Lucy's new bedroom. I hope we figure out the camera issue because a blog isn't a blog without some photos!
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