Saturday, December 29, 2007
She's Here!
If anyone wants details, read further...Sam had her routine appointment yesterday afternoon and after that exam she went home and was feeling some contractions as well as bleeding. Mom took her to the hospital around 6:30 and Marcus (baby daddy) met them there. She hadn't dilated much but was very uncomfortable. The hospital literally had no rooms to put her in so she stayed in an exam room for the evening after they gave her a shot to help with the pain and let her go to sleep to get some rest. If she didn't progress past a 3 they would send her home in the morning. So I stayed with her til 2:30 am and when Marcus returned I went home (assuming she'd be going home in the morning too). (Mom had already gone home to get a few hours sleep before she had to work today.) I got a phone call from Marcus at 5 am that Sam was 6 cm dilated and they were going to be giving her an epidural. Well, baby is coming today!
So I called mom, who was at work (she couldn't sleep so she went in the office at 2:45 am!), and we all met back at the hospital, where Sam had her epidural and was feeling no pain. By 7:30 she was at a 9, however the doctor was in surgery this morning and they didn't want to break her water until he was out. She quickly dilated to a 10 and was completely effaced, and still no doctor. She wanted to push but had to breathe through it instead. Finally after 9 the nurse is able to break her water and the doctor got there and they started prepping the room for the big event. I decided I would videotape and take pictures as those are special memories!
And so after a half hour of pushing and a lovely episiotomy (mom and I think the doctor was a little too quick to snip instead of letting her stretch more on her own...hey you read further, this is the details!) the little peanut was born at 10:36 am. While mom was being stitched up I took lots of video of her getting her apgars and weighed and measured and getting her erythromyacin and her Vit. K shot so Sam could watch it later.
When I left, everything had been cleaned up, Sam was ordering room service as she had been NPO for a good 24 hours, and she was feeding Jamie her first bottle and she's a good burper too!
Since I had taken pictures with Sam's camera I don't have them to upload here. Troy, Lucy and I will be bringing her some lunch tomorrow and we'll bring our camera to take some pictures and I'll be sure to upload some then.
It is very surreal to be an aunt. I assumed it would happen a little bit later in my life. When I heard that Sam was pregnant back in September it was very hard news to take. I still think of her as my baby sister who needs to be taken care of, but now she has her own person that needs her to take care of them! I will pray for continued health for the baby, that Sam's butt heals nicely and that she enjoys motherhood to the fullest!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
After gift opening we had chocolate lava cake, my contribution, which turned out pretty tasty! Here is Lucy in the aftermath:
Sunday was church and then we all had lunch together and napped in our respective chairs. I made foods for Christmas Eve while Troy and Paul watched the Vikings game.
Christmas Eve...we headed over to my grandparents (my step-dad's parents) in Roseville for the afternoon, did the usual, ate, opened gifts, played cards. Then headed to Lake Elmo to my cousin's home for my dad's side of the family's Christmas. Things were going pretty good, Lucy was adorable in her red Christmas dress. Then as I held her I felt a rumble. I thought maybe it's just gas (Lucy, not me!) but the smell hit me. So, of course, I passed her over to Troy for a diaper change. Well, I did not hear him yelling for me until my aunt came to get me. Here is Troy holding a semi-naked Lucy up in the air. She had MAJOR blow out (teething has done this to her quite a bit lately). We're talking covered in poo and we need to figure out how to get the poo clothes off the child in such a way not to get it anywhere else so I can give her a "sponge bath" with all the wipes that we had along. So she gets naked, daddy has to hold her while I wipe off the poo, and at this point she's loving it and she gets to go in her pj's!
But besides the poo incident it was a good time - lots of good food, and Lucy made off with quite a haul there too! Our house is in Christmas Chaos right now. We've done our best to get a couple things put away, but I sat down with Lucy this morning and went through what she has gotten. Lots of educational toys, some of which will go over to Nana's Daycare, lots of cute outfits too.
We headed over to my parents' later this morning for more present opening and a nice lunch. Len and Gerane, Keith and Kathy and their son, Jeff, came over too. We sat around laughing and telling stories and played a round of the game Scene It. We headed home in the snow around 6:30 and got Lucy down to bed. And then the post-holiday organizational syndrome hit...
Knowing that tomorrow we're going shopping for organizational items (bins, boxes, whatever) and that one of my big projects is clearing out that storage room, Troy and I emptied out the storage room tonight, and my word, that little 8x10 room unpacked equals a 14x20 room full of "stuff"! My plan is to paint that room (it's the only room in the house we haven't) and purge of a lot of stuff that we haven't looked at since we've been married. We're going to do a garage sale in the spring, so that gives me incentive to get things cleaned out. And our next organizational project is the "craft room". It's huge and needs to become a craft room, play room for Lucy and eventually my office (if we have more kids, my existing office will become Lucy's bedroom). And so on... Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to be organized. I hate chaos and clutter and junk. Quite honestly, if someone would pay me, I would organize people for a living. I watch those TLC/HGTV shows on home makeovers and people who have too much stuff taking over their lives and try to heed the outlook they have - only keep the things you use or that you love, and the things that you love, show them off, don't keep them stored away in boxes for "someday", because that someday may never come. Other than keeping things in storage that are seasonal items (clothing, holiday decor) I never understood why people keep so much "stuff" for just in case.
I do have A box of memories that I showed Troy tonight. It was actually kind of fun and funny. Some were old boyfriend letters (actually only one letter, I think I've tossed all the others since I married my last boyfriend), report cards with teacher comments that Troy got a kick out of, old corsages and programs from weddings I've been in, yearbooks, my uniform shirt from Freshman year when I caught on fire, my grade school uniform skirt where, egads, I probably had a 20" waist, and newspapers/magazines from major life events like 9/11, Columbine, the start of the War in Iraq, etc., and of course some New Kids on the Block posters. And speaking of memory lane, we watched old Christmas videos from when my sister was a baby. And I'm in all of them so it's fun to see my changing hair styles. But gosh, I look back at me and back then I had (and probably still do) this distorted body image. I have always felt I was fatter than everyone else, back then I thought I was the fattest cousin, or not as skinny as the popular girls. But when I look at those videos, and see my old uniform skirts, my gosh, I'm jealous of that girl now! I hope Lucy never goes through that and I can raise her to be proud of the body she's been given and not obsess over the number in a pair of pants!
Ok, slight sidetrack there. ANYWAY, it's been a wonderful Christmas season. It seems like it went too fast, like we just got the tree up and now it's time to clean up. But we got to see most of our families and there was lots of laughing. Sam still hasn't had that baby. My bet is on Dec. 28th. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, December 21, 2007
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
Monday, December 17, 2007
Boston and Home At Last
Friday, December 14, 2007
I'm stuck!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Greetings from Boston
That is Lucy's 8-month picture from yesterday and I miss her terribly, but will be home tomorrow. This morning she had her pictures taken with Suzanne, so I'll be anxious to see those. And today she's over at Jessica's playing with Ethan and Abigail!
I am in Boston on business and I commented to someone that I wish we worked nights so that we could sightsee during the day. I'd love to see Harvard and take the historical trolley tour around town, but it's dark when we leave the office. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain and sleet here so I'm hoping that doesn't effect our travel plans!
December is flying by fast. Christmas shopping has been completed, I just have some scrapbooking left to do. Our countertops got installed last week so all that we have left is the tile backsplash and it's all done! (well, not the paying for it all part)
This time of year always weighs heavily on me. I long for the days of when I was a kid when the holidays were full of anticipation and Santa Claus and Christmas Eve church. I think it's just part of being an adult. As a kid I didn't realize all that my parents and adult relatives did to make things special. Part of all of this is in the shopping and gift-giving aspect. It shouldn't be difficult to buy for people, but I've really come to realize that we should be celebrating Jesus' birthday right now as well as time with family, that is gift enough. Of course I want future years of Christmases with Lucy to be the excitement of Santa Claus too. I've already talked to my family about it and we are no longer exchanging gifts at Christmas. I think that part of the holiday really belongs to children. Let birthdays be the time we have a special day for each other, give gifts (although not necessary!)
I am reminded of the story of Mary and Martha (Luke chapter something...egads, I know it's New Testament!) where the sisters lived together and Jesus came to visit and Martha spent all her time making the house presentable and making food and preparations, etc and Mary just sat with him and listened. Martha got upset and wanted Jesus to do something about her lazy sister, to which he responded that Mary just sitting him was the best gift. It's a challenge to myself to be more of a Mary than a Martha. What is important is not giving or receiving gifts, it's spending time with those you love and making memories that will last a lifetime. And also, if you really enjoy shopping at the holidays, try adopting a family in need - the gifts you give to them will make both their Christmas and yours a memorable one!
Until next time...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It's Wintertime!
Another weekend gone by too fast. On Thursday night we had our Silpada jewelry open house and it was a huge success! Lots of friends from town and church stopped by as well as Aunt Rox all the way from Eden Prairie and Lori from Apple Valley. Friday night was our high school girlfriends Christmas get-together. Since it was going to be chinese food I attempted to make Shrimp Toast (reminiscent of Leeann Chin's at the Depot days) to bring along (they turned out good!). It was at Emma's house in St. Paul and Emma announced her engagement to Barry. They are getting married someplace warm (I think St. Thomas or some island?) in February and then having a reception back here in May.
Saturday I spent the entire day up at church scrapbooking. I got more pages to "Troy and Lisa's (and now Lucy's) travels" scrapbook and finally made a dent in Lucy's baby book. I did some more scrapping today until I finally ran out of paper, so there's a trip to Archiver's in my future. I still have to start on this year's pages for my grandparent's album (I do about 5 pages each year) but am awaiting some more pictures and stories from the family. Another Lisa from church is a Creative Memories consultant and hosted the scrapbooking event. I saw a new product now on my wish list - the Celebrations pack. I'm a bit overwhelmed with scrapbooking for my daughter. I figure her baby book can be the first year of life in a nutshell. I purchased a Holiday pack (scrapbook, papers, etc) and will be scrapping all of Lucy's Christmases which I thought was a good idea and not too daunting. But when I saw the Celebrations pack I know that now I can scrap all of her birthdays too! Although I love spending time being creative, I also know it's a gift the whole family can enjoy for years to come and can preserve these memories on paper instead of in boxes.
Today our family ushered at the early service. I did the readings and of course didn't proofread beforehand. During the second reading I came across some crazy long word that I apparently eked out without everyone laughing. Oh here it is - licentiousness. What on earth is that? Then we took the family Christmas photo for Paul and Vicky's Christmas cards - here is a preview:
And now it's time for Sunday night shows. I just spoke to Grandma Jeanette and her and Arnie are now in Mission, TX thru March. It's 91 degrees there. As much as I love snow and Christmas, that warm sunny weather sounds kinda nice!
Seasons Greetings!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's not worth it§ion=News
I've been writing about all the home renovations we've been doing, much to the assistance of our interior designer, Lori. She stopped over tonight to drop off some pillows and said she was just driving back from putting a cross in a ditch. That is her son in the article. It was a total shock to us to hear about it as we've gotten to know her the past few months. She is happy she had 15 years with him but upset and angry that this could have been prevented. Thank God she has faith, she's really going to need it.
Will this make me slow down on my commute now? I hope so. But there will still be morons on the road who have to get places that are much more important than ours who will still ride our tails or cut us off and put on thier brakes. I have to remember that I have a family to take care of and be conscientious of other drivers who have families as well.
Buckle up and drive carefully!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sam's Shower
Awake Again
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What time is it?

It is almost 3 in the morning and I can't back to sleep. Lucy got up around 2 after she had flipped over on her stomach and started "talking" and I tossed and turned and decided to get up for a bit. Just too much on my mind to sleep. I can't go into detail because I have family who read this blog on a regular basis. I wish it were happy things that were keeping me up late at night but it's some family dysfunction, end of story.
Later on this morning I'll be going in to the office (normally on Tuesdays but this week I switched) and my mom (aka Grandma Val) is going to watch Lucy today. And if any of her coworkers watch this blog, Val is SICK today, very sick, so she couldn't come in to work! She'll probably feel better by tomorrow...
One quick thing I have to vent about - never joke around to me that you are going to kidnap or steal my daughter. I don't care if you're family or not and think she is the sweetest thing in the world and want to take her home. My mother bear instinct immediately comes into action and I will never leave her alone with you, end of that story.
On to happier things...on Wednesdays at play group we talk about our latest joys and concerns with our children, so I'll talk about some joys and what I'm looking forward to. Joys - Lucy's fascination with everything and her expressions, mornings - she is the most happiest at this time and she reacts like she hasn't seen you in days when you go to pick her up. What I'm looking forward to - my sister's baby shower this weekend and having family over, Thanksgiving with Troy's family - many of whom we only see a couple times a year, Lucy's reaction on Thanksgiving seeing all these new faces again and playing with the girls, seeing The Lion King with "the girls" this weekend - we're trying to become more "cultural", for home renovation to be over (soon...very soon), deer hunting season to come to an end so my scrapbooking season can begin, getting Lucy's picture taken with Santa Claus - will she giggle or scream?
And before I go, a special thank you to the Rumpels who brought over more toys and clothing for Lucy to borrow (she is a tall kid and already growing out of the 6-9 month clothing). Some very adorable dresses and lots of "comfies" to be worn!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Another month gone by
We spent the afternoon celebrating Uncle Keith's 50th birthday and watching a sad sad football game!
Progress on the house continues to creep along, will it ever be done? Troy and I agree, we will never build a house together, it's just too stressful all those options and all that construction, ish!
This weekend flew by too quickly, as they always do. Yesterday after Bible Study, and after Lucy took a long morning nap, we went and picked up Grandma Val and hit some holiday boutiques. Troy got our outdoor CHRISTMAS lights put up (enough of that "Holiday" business, I know what we celebrate at our home!) and Vicky arranged spruce tips in our pots to liven up the front door. Now all we need is snow!
Next weekend the Baldwin girls are going to see The Lion King in Minneapolis on Saturday, and then on Sunday I am hosting my sister's baby shower. Lots to do this week!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Better Late Than Never
Monday, October 29, 2007
No pictures :(
Let's see, a recap since the last post. Lucy went to a new daycare last Wednesday, a friend in Eagan right by where I work, Dawn, who also watches 16-month-old twins and has 4 children of her own! Lucy was just in awe of all the other small people around her and had a blast. I honestly have never seen a smile so big on her face as when these little people would come up to her and touch her! Afterwards we went to Grandma Duffy's for a visit with grandma, aunti Shannon, and aunti Darla and uncle Wes.
Thursday early morning, Troy, Vicky and Paul left for Lake Benton and Lucy and I stayed behind. On Saturday we went up to Albertville Outlets shopping with my mom in the morning, then continued north to Sauk Centre for my great Aunt Sarah's 60th birthday party. A lot of relatives that Lucy hadn't met yet were there. Of course I forgot the camera! Lucy hung out with Uncle Richard (my mom's brother) almost the entire time. We got back to Baldwin at night and daddy was home to greet us!
Yesterday was major kitchen cleaning from all the dust that had gathered in/on/around our cabinets and anything that was in/on/around the cabinets from the floor installation. Eric and Paul helped Troy bring our appliances back in to the kitchen and now we can cook again. I will admit, it was kind of nice to be eating at Chef Paul's last week!
Today Lucy and Nana went for a playdate over to Hope Heutmaker's grandparents' home. There's something about child interaction that we as adults just cannot provide! I have been showing Lucy baby ASL signs all along hoping one day I'll see it returned ("mama" in particular), but maybe she'll also pick some signs up from Hope?
We are looking forward to Lucy's 1st Halloween this week. I will upload some pictures of that for sure. And then it will be November and our calendar is filled with hunting, showers, The Lion King, and holidays! Normally an early bird shopper, I haven't started Christmas shopping yet!
Until next time....
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sicky Poo and other things
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Who's a big girl?
Her stats are:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
We decided to drive a bit along the peninsula to see if we could get a view of the Apostle Islands (the only island you can really see from Bayfield is the very large Madelaine Island). However, the majority of the peninsula is indian reservation. As you can see from the photos below, quite a different way of living from what we're used to!
Because we're old farts, Lisa got a headache and Troy's back was hurtin', so we headed home to Baldwin, where Paul made some wonderful homemade pizzas for dinner!
And yesterday was the big Vikings-Packers game. Troy and Lucy were dressed the part but we lost anyway, oh well!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Look what I can do!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy Fall!
On Saturday, Lisa and Lucy went with friend Kellie and her son, Matt Jones, out to Minnetonka on a cross-stitch hunt. I decided to try out the baby sling ( that I had gotten when Lucy was in her colicky stage. She didn't enjoy it back then, but when we went shopping, she loved being on mom's hip and seeing everything up close! Here is a shot of Lucy in the sling:
After a nice lunch (oh, who am I kidding? we scarfed down our food as one child took a nap and the other threw a fit -- soon to be reversed on the drive home as the opposite child napped while the other threw a fit :) ) and a stop at The Minnetonka General Store, we headed home.
In the evening, uncle Eric and Cousin Heather came over and we all headed to Troy's friend Johnny's surprise 30th birthday party, just outside of town. There was lots of food and drink there and even a couple bands played. We got to chat with another couple who brought along their daughter who was Lucy's age, so it was fun to compare stories (although I admit I was a bit jealous that their's has slept 12 hours a night for the past 3 months...). Lucy and I headed home when she announced it was bath time. Uncle and Cousin spent the night.
On Sunday we all went to 10:30 service and our fellow parishioner and youth minister, Melody, gave us this wonderful baby gift that is pictured below - a huge hooded towel for bath time! After lunch, Heather and Eric left, Troy retired to watch the Vikings game and Lucy and I took a nice Sunday nap!
And now it's Monday, and this morning brought very tragic news - Lisa's aunt Donna's brother, Mike, was killed in a motorcycle accident in Hudson last night -§ion=News
Very sad for their family, and reaffirms to all of us that life is short and precious and to hold each other close while we can and not "sweat the small stuff".
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Uff da!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
An Orchard, A Drive-In and an Art Fair
This was a busy, fresh-air-filled weekend for all of us! On Saturday we headed over to Stillwater to Aamodt's Apple Orchard and St. Croix Vineyards for apples and wine. We picked up some yummy Honey Crisp apples and some McIntosh ones for baking. Then over to the Winery to sample and pick up a few bottles of wine.
We continued our journey up 95 north of Stillwater, up to Taylors Falls where we ate at the Drive-In (the name escapes me). Lots of "firsts" for Lucy that day - first orchard, first winery and first drive-in! After lunch we went over the St. Croix River into Wisconsin to make our journey back home. Just north of Amery we stopped at a quaint boutique called Bittersweet Farms. Then home we went for a nice nap!
Today (Sunday) Lucy and mom headed over to friend Kellie's to pick up her and Matt Jones (1-year-old) and went up to Marine on St. Croix for the annual Marine Art Fair. We didn't find anything we couldn't live without, except for a bag of Kettle Corn. We visited at Kellie's parents house, who live in Marine on the St. Croix River. Frank (Kellie's dad) is towards the end of the process of remodeling their home and it is absolutely gorgeous! They really should be on one of those HGTV shows to show it off.
And so we're home now, making a pot roast, watching the Vikings play, getting ready for another busy week!
(also, Lucy's 4-month pictures are online now at - under Portraits)
Monday, September 10, 2007
We also had some pictures of Lucy's after-bath massage time. I learned some infant masssage techniques at Baby and Me class last week. However, this being the internet, I decided not to post any cute nudie pictures of my baby. My baby who will be 5 months old tomorrow! Is that nuts? She just gets funner and funner every step of the way. She thinks that dad and I are the silliest people in her whole world - you honestly cannot have a bad day if you get at least five minutes of Lucy time in it.
That little white spot on her gums is getting bigger so I'm thinking it is a tooth, plus she loves to just rub her tongue on it. And drool. And chew on everything.
I also thought I would post some links here that keep me up-to-date on some important times going on in my relatives lives: - this is my great Uncle Mark (yes, he's great!) who is being treated for multiple myeloma and currently "living" down in Rochester at the Gift of Life house. Not only do I love to get updates on what's going on, but I love reading the comments people post in his guestbook - he's got some hilarious friends! and her brother - these are my cousin Shannon's two out of three children - what a tough year it has been for them, but the sun is shining brightly on them now!
Now that fall (weather) is here, it puts me in the mood to craft and shop at boutiques and art fairs. This week a girlfriend of mine is coming to visit and we'll hit the "Market" in Baldwin and then on the weekend it's out to Marine on St. Croix for the Marine Art Fair! What I love about going to art fairs is buying a wood-carved Santa. I try to get a different one every year.
Anyhoo, time for some quiet time and Sudoku before bed!