Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Lucy is 6 months old today. We did the monthly tradition of taking her photo next to "big sheep". Since it is October, she is decked out in her Halloween gear.

It's been hectic here at the house. We are in full demolition mode. Troy has been ripping out tile and carpet upstairs for the past week. The tile was quite a doozy and has left a lovely film of dust on everything and everyone. Although I hate living in chaos, it will be worth it in a few weeks when the new hardwood floors are in and the granite countertops have been put in. Since we can't find anything around here, we were treated to a wonderful steak and potato dinner a la Paul and Vicky tonight.
Lucy has been sleeping through the night for a good week now. What does that mean? She goes down around 8 and wakes up anywhere from 5:30-7am. Oh, and last night from 1-2am. But it's exciting. Now, that doesn't mean WE sleep through the night. No, my internal clock still gets me up just to make sure she's still sleeping. She'll have her 6-month appointment next week and we'll find out how big she's gotten.
October is a busy month with home renovations, hunting for Troy, and the annual Women of Faith conference for me next weekend! This will be my third year attending and it's always a good time.
Hope everyone is enjoying the season and staying healthy!

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